For private medicine ceremony in your home or spiritual community please contact us at
Amanita Ceremony with David Samas & Wulf Trachta
December 14, 5 pm – December 15, 10 am
New Mission Yoga, SF, CA
$400 Medicine Ceremony (Limited Scholarships Available)
Amanita Ceremony with David Samas & Wulf Trachta
Saturday December 28, 12 pm – 5 pm Low Dose Gestalt Circle
Saturday December 28, 6 pm thru Sunday December 29 10 am
Ceremony & Shamanic Healing
Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Index, WA
* Private event, contact BearEagleMedicine for details
Come celebrate life with a heroic dose of amanita tea, amanita smoking, drumming, dancing and shamanic healing. Bring bedding (the floor is thickly padded); be as comfortable as you like (you don’t need fancy festival clothing). It is not safe to drive under the influence so please come prepared to stay the night; gratitude/integration circle is from 9 -10 am the following day. Bring your journal and a drum or rattle.
Participants in ceremony can expect to experience hypnotic trance, dream like understanding, a radical sense of being at home in your own skin, improved boundaries, relief from pain and anxiety, and many people experience both out of body travel through time and space and hear the voice of the forest and the ancestors. David Samas and Wulf Trachta will be providing one-on-one shamanic healing and blessings throughout the evening while the drumming continues.
Consider Joining us from 1- 4 pm for a low dose gestalt circle, blending forms of somatic therapy, partner and group practices, and states of awareness. The dose will be noticeable and facilitate our capacity to witness and own our own shadows. We also explore boundary work and the signal value of emotions. This work prepares us for ceremony by opening up the feeling and thinking layers of our subtle bodies before working in the spiritual realms. $45; FREE if you’re attending ceremony.
If you are used to ceremony with other plant medicine please understand that amanita is nothing like any other compounds you’ve used. It does not travel in or effect the serotonin receptors but it is a combination of a glutamate agonist (upper) and a gaba agonist (analgesic dissociative). The primary compounds free us from chronic pain (sometimes permanently) and reverse the effects of stress in the nervous system, radically detriggering us. The most common hallucination is to feel “fine“ or “normal“ even when this is not generally how we are experiencing life. Some people do experience time loops, space warpage, regression and lucid dreaming/dreamwalking. This is not a sensory hallucinogen (like psilocybin or ayahuasca) and looks very different in ceremony from any other plant medicine.
Breakfast (and dinner if you attend both the circle and ceremony) will be provided.
If you are currently taking benzodiazepine for anxiety or sleep, antipsychotics, or use alcohol or marijuana daily please contact us for further information before purchasing tickets. While daily marijuana users may have a less intense experience in their awareness on Amanita, we believe the bio-chemical and neurological benefits are still profound. For best effect please avoid alcohol and marijuana for two weeks prior to ceremony.

Please contact us if you have any serious medical conditions, or use prescription GABA agonists like benzodiazepine or lorazepam. This extends to sleeping pills and ketamine. This mushroom is still perfectly safe but we would like to consult with you. This medicine is less appropriate for people with chronic alcoholism. If you take GABA agonists, anti-seizure medication, memory drugs or antipsychotics, you may wish to consult your doctor and notify the facilitators. Those who use marijuana daily may find the effects are largely neurological since their mood is already significantly altered.