

2/2 Land Medicine: Labyrinths for Planting Our Intentions
10am-4pm, @Sibley Volcanic Park
Join us in exploring the 7 labyrinths along a 1.5 mile loop of mostly broad easy paths; we will walk several labyrinths exploring the themes of release, receive and return to heal, activate and stabilize our evolving selves. Bring a journal and comfortable shoes.
Contact BearEagleMedicine for details

3/22-23 Amanita Ceremony and Shamanic Healing
6pm 3/22 -10am 3/23, @New Mission Yoga, SF, CA
1-5pm 3/22 Optional Macrodose Gestalt Circle
Spring Equinox heroic dose amanita tea ceremony is the ideal place to find balance and sew new seeds. The heart of the ceremony is one-on-one shamanic healing with David Samas and Wulf Trachta

4/17-20: Spring Mysteries in Seattle
In-person workshop on Friday 4/18, 1pm
The Witch’s Mushroom:

Amanita Muscaria, Fly Agaric, Toadstool… no mater what you call it, this master medicine has been the ally of witches for thousands of years. Woven deeply into the fabric of our mythology, this red mushroom with white spots is ubiquitous throughout folk and fairy stories across all of Europe, and is immediately recognizable even to children. Come learn why the church wants you to think that it’s poisonous when in fact this mushroom is a liberator of consciousness, and a direct connection to the voice of the ancestors and the spirits of the land. We will cover collecting, preparing and safe dosing practices to enhance the magic of life. 

We are oath-bound to say nothing more…

6/27-29 SOMA Immersion: Full Spectrum Medicine Retreat
6pm 6/27 -4pm 6/29,  @New Mission Yoga
Summer Solstice heroic dose amanita tea ceremony is the ideal place to get bask in our own sovereignty and worthiness. This urban retreat in the heart of the SF Mission district includes organic plant-based catering, shared accommodations, chi-gong, bodywork, breathwork, sound healing, Gestalt circle, Creative arts integration and heroic dose amanita ceremony with individual shamanic healing.

We are also working out ceremony dates in Brooklyn, Ashland, Maui, Key West and Phoenix for 2025
Invite us out to your community!